
Membership Web Portal

  • Led a team of four undergraduate CS students by utilizing Agile methodologies to satisfy the client’s needs.
  • Designed and implemented a membership management portal using C#, MySQL, and .NET framework to replace the client’s existing method of e-mailing a spreadsheet between managers.
  • Implemented a secure authentication system using Microsoft Identity to protect member information and allow administrators to set privileges and create user accounts.
  • Conducted usability testing to identify user preferences and streamline user flow, leading to a product that adaptively met client expectations.


A game developed in the Unity game engine that simulates Badminton, but in space!

  • Led the development of a 3D physics-based space Badminton game, showcasing strong leadership and programming skills.
  • Implemented core gameplay functionalities, including menu systems, player actions, score tracking, and physics simulations using C# scripts.
  • Crafted custom 2D sprite assets for menus and created a 3D arena model to enhance the game's visual appeal.

Launcher Man

2D platformer where the main character uses a jet pack to traverse the level. Comes with handcrafted art assets, an introduction scene, and more!

  • Implemented core gameplay functionalities, including menu systems, player actions and score tracking using C#.
  • Wrote documentation and test cases to improve the project's development.
  • Crafted custom 2D sprite assets for menus, environment, and the main character Launcher Man!

Job Tracker Desktop Application

A .NET desktop application that uses C# and the UI framework winforms that will maintain your job stats, chart them, and more!

  • WIP

Let's go to the top!

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